We are Hunton
Hunton is a Norwegian industrial company that aims to create value by producing wood fiber-based products and solutions with the smallest possible carbon footprint. We are one of the leading manufacturers of building materials in the Nordic region, and our products can easily be assembled into walls, floors and ceilings, making it easy to build forward-thinking and solid.
Hunton has a long tradition as one of the Nordic countries’ leading manufacturers of wood fiber-based building materials. It started in 1889 with the production of wood pulp-based cardboard. Ever since then, we have been developing producing porous wood fiber boards at our factory in Gjøvik – as windproofing, roof underlayment, and attic insulation. With a desire to offer locally sourced wood fiber insulation to the Nordic market, we opened a new factory at Skjerven in 2019, which will eventually create 40-60 new local jobs.
Our values:
Credible, forward-thinking, team player.
In Norway, we have used wood as a building material for hundreds of years. This experience has given Hunton a solid foundation, and from the very beginning when Hunton was founded in 1889, the goal was clear: to produce the market’s best building solutions. Since then, we have had fantastic development, both in Norway, in the Nordic region, and through exports to many other countries.
We are proud of our history, but we look no further back than to focus on the future. In order to develop solid and forward-thinking building solutions, we recruit experts from all over the world. Because we believe that knowledge – and forests – are the new oil.
We share our knowledge with authorities and other research environments in forums where tomorrow’s building material industry is shaped, and we have invited builders and architects to learn more about our products and solutions.
Nobody knows what the future will hold. But what we are sure of is that the quality of our unique solutions will be even more sought after and appreciated.
Innovation based on knowledge and testing
Hunton aims to revolutionize the use of wood fiber, and we believe that the possibilities for applications extend beyond the production of building materials. In collaboration with research and certification institutes, we optimize the production processes in order to deliver products for various world-class applications.
Since 2019, through a collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy (NIBIO), we have tested wood fiber and soil mixtures with wood fiber as a growing media in many different plant cultures. The results show that wood fiber added in the right amount and type of plant nutrition provides very good growing conditions for the cultivation of herbs, vegetables, fruit and flowers. As a result of this, Hunton launched the growing media Fibergrow® in 2022. Fibergrow® is used today both in professional greenhouses and by turf and soil factories both in Norway and abroad.