U-value calculator
Total Height
0 mm
This calculation tool is based on Norwegian Building Standards (Series 471.008). All calculations and results are for informational purposes only and must be validated by a professional. Hunton will not be held responsible for any errors.
The U-value (W / m²K) is a standardized measure to understand how the building retains the heath. The U-value is measured in Watt (W), to give an understanding about the amount of heat that will go from the warmest area to the lowest area in the building. The lower U-value, the better.
This calculation tool is based on Norwegian Building Standards (Series 471.008). All calculations and results are for informational purposes only and must be validated by a professional. Hunton will not be held responsible for any errors.
The U-value (W / m²K) is a standardized measure to understand how the building retains the heath. The U-value is measured in Watt (W), to give an understanding about the amount of heat that will go from the warmest area to the lowest area in the building. The lower U-value, the better.